One Images

Images and artist's statement from the One Project...
Shown below are the seven 30" x 40"  C prints, which I called The One Project. The exhibit is about diversity, and to a certain extent, about how we view diversity. Sadly, even today many do not recognize or accept the wonderfulness of having diversity all around us.

Whether it is ethnicity, age, religion, gender, education, wealth, or something else, I wanted to demonstrate that while there are differences among all of us, there are more similarities.

Each of these individuals are bonafide, wonderful, talented, kind, and generous people. Yet, no two are alike. This is a diverse group.
Maybe if we viewed diversity differently?

Diversity should not, in my opinion, be viewed as residing on a straight line with extremes at either end and a gamut in between. Instead, I like to think of it as a continuum — a circle, a range of degrees. With a line, their is polarization. With a continuum, we are all connected.

During the months it took to photograph all seven models, I shared a sneak peek with some close friends. One made a comment that I chose to repeat: “Look into their faces and you’ll discover something about yourself.” So I’ll ask you to do that, and make an effort to connect with each person’s image in that way.
Dad and car enthusiast.
Artist and yoga instructor.
Model and house cleaner.
Teacher and IT specialist.

Holistic RN – emotions, nutrition, posture.
Retired police officer and education activist.
Ji Ru
Buddhist abbot and educator.
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